Road to El Cabanot

Along the road that surrounds El Cabanot, and on the road to Enseu, there is an abundance of rocks that have been used in the construction of buildings and salt beds.

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Road to El Cabanot

On the road to El Cabanot we can also find cellular dolomites, rocks formed by carbonate and gypsum. These have a rough, pitted appearance due to the differential erosion of the two components, as rain dissolves the gypsum with relative facility, leaving a cavity in its place.

Road to El Cabanot

At the entrance door to Santa Maria, blocks made of cellular dolomite can be seen, worn down by time.

Road to El Cabanot

Detail of a block of the Monastery of Santa Maria, where the pitted surface left by the missing gypsum can be seen.

Road to El Cabanot

On the southern side of the road, there is an abundance of gypsum from the Triassic (Keuper facies)

Road to El Cabanot

On the northern side of the road, there is an abundance of ophites from El Cabanot.

Road to El Cabanot

Detail of the ophites.