Salt and power

Until the 19th century, when the Salt Producers Community was constituted, the salt producers of Gerri were always obliged to pay special taxes to the established powers: first to the monks of the monastery and then to the king.

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Salt and power

The monks from the monastery of Santa Maria monopolised the salt farms of Gerri until the 18th century. Prominent in the background is the Alfolí (warehouse) in an extension built outside the village and documented since the 14th century.

Salt and power

The Alfolí, the largest non-religious building in the district, was the warehouse for the salt, where the production was stored, weighed, ground and sacked. The building is perfectly adapted to the mountain's uphill sloping terrain.

Salt and power

Entry door of the "Royal Alfolí of Gerri". In the 18th century the State takes over the salt business, the warehouse is extended and "royal" is added to its name.