Posts Tagged ‘processing.js’

Processing for FirefoxOS

Monday, September 24th, 2012

Screen capture of Firefox OS (Desktop build on Ubuntu) with installed Web app written in Processing

With Firefox OS getting closer to it’s release we will finally get our free mobile operating system (RIP Maemo). Based on a Linux kernel it boots into the runtime engine behind Firefox running webapps written in HTML, Javascript and other open web APIs. In short, it’s a mobile OS powered by Javascript. Magical!

Since processing.js ships with version 2 of Processing, our favorite creative coding tool now is one of the most powerful languages for creating HTML5 animations, interactive apps and games.

Here I will show the necessary steps for running apps written in Processing on Firefox OS. (more…)

Processing Ring Chart

Friday, August 10th, 2012

I was always a big fan of Ring Charts, also known as Multi-level Pie Charts or Radial Treemap, specially the Baobap disk allocation program for Linux, developed by Igalia. Now I want to start to use them for other kind of visualizations as an alternative to treemaps. I didn’t find any implementation in Javascript so I started to develop one on my own using Processing and it’s Processing.js exporter. The design of the classes was inspired by this Java Ring Chart implementation.

Some characteristics of this class: It’s size and the thickness of the rings adapt dynamically to the container. The rings can start and end at any angle. The segments of each ring are divided proportionally based on the segments value and drawn to the proper arc length based on the start and end angle.

You can download the sources at OpenProcessing, what follows is a description of the classes ArcSegment, Ring and RingChart.


del Microcosmos a Gaia, HTML5

Monday, April 16th, 2012

Bajo este nombre críptico habrá un taller en el Festival Internacional de la Imagen en Manizales/Colombia. El taller tiene como objetico familiarizar a los participantes en la programación JavaScript/HTML5 utilizando los ejemplos “De Gaia al microcosmos” como base práctica. La primera parte del taller será una introducción práctica al elemento Canvas de HTML5 y a las capacidades y particularidades de Processing para la programación web. En la segunda parte se formaran grupos de los cuales cada uno analizará uno de los 7 ejemplos de GAIA o uno de sus componentes comunes.

El proyecto “De Gaia al microcosmos” busca transformar, actualizar y localizar culturalmente materiales educativos desarrollados por Lynn Margulis mostrando interrelaciones biológicas y geológicas que ocurren desde el universo molecular al universo cósmico. Ha sido iniciado en el 2005 por Lynn Margulis, Santiago Ortiz y  Luis Rico.

Como siempre podrás encontrar los apuntes del taller en mi wiki educativo.

Some notes on difficult to debug Processing.js errors

Sunday, February 26th, 2012

Recently I converted some Processing sketches to Processing.js using Processing 2.0a4 Pre-Release with integrated Javascript mode. In resume it’s quite straight forward, they did a great job. But I had some troubles with code that works fine in Processing but not when exported to Javascript.

Sometimes it’s quite hard to detect errors yet the applet gets exported without error messages and shows up in the browser as an empty canvas. It’s recommended to use Firebug and Chrome javascript console Javascript console in parrallel as sometimes one gives a better description than the other. But sometimes none of them shows an error so it’s quite impossible to debug the sketches. (more…)