Posts Tagged ‘radial treemap’

Processing Ring Chart

Friday, August 10th, 2012

I was always a big fan of Ring Charts, also known as Multi-level Pie Charts or Radial Treemap, specially the Baobap disk allocation program for Linux, developed by Igalia. Now I want to start to use them for other kind of visualizations as an alternative to treemaps. I didn’t find any implementation in Javascript so I started to develop one on my own using Processing and it’s Processing.js exporter. The design of the classes was inspired by this Java Ring Chart implementation.

Some characteristics of this class: It’s size and the thickness of the rings adapt dynamically to the container. The rings can start and end at any angle. The segments of each ring are divided proportionally based on the segments value and drawn to the proper arc length based on the start and end angle.

You can download the sources at OpenProcessing, what follows is a description of the classes ArcSegment, Ring and RingChart.
