Posts Tagged ‘arduino’

Mon Amour automatitzat

Friday, August 1st, 2008

Aquest dissabte, 2 d’agost s’estrena MON AMOUR, una obra de teatre i al mateix temps instal·lació Maqueta de Mon Amour a partir del guió cinematogràfic Hiroshima Mon Amour de Margarite Duras. Forma part del festival de vídeo i art digital Strobe d’Amposta. Juntament amb Carles Narro i Joan Sánchez vam desenvolupar uns autòmats basats en Arduino i Xbee para controlar equips de ràdio, llums, una dutxa, un rellotge, una maquina de cosir, entre altres.

CONNECTing artistas y software libre

Sunday, June 15th, 2008

De nuevo en Gijón para dar junto con Santi de telenoika el Taller CONNECT: Ports, pipes and sockets que tiene lugar en LABoral Centro de Arte y Creación Industrial del 16 al 20 de Junio. Se trata de relacionar programas, hardware y redes usando protocolos como Open Sound Control y MIDI para conectar sensores, audio, vídeo, internet, etc. Los apuntes del taller están en este wiki ya que el taller esta organizado por Hangar.

Installing Arduino 0006 on Ubuntu 6.10

Saturday, October 7th, 2006

The installation of Arduino on Ubuntu 6.10 is much easier than it was on version 5.10. There are some really good tutorials for installing Arduino on Linux (Debian, Gentoo, Linux, forum thread) but I still like to describe my installation process Arduino 0006:


First steps with Arduino prototyping board

Friday, June 30th, 2006

This week I’m doing a Arduino prototyping workshop at ESDI as part of Summer-School at Ramon Llul University. Two of the creators of Arduino, Massimo Banzi and David Cuartielles, are giving an introduction to electronic prototyping tecnics using this nice free hardware called Arduino. After giving an introduction on Arduino basics and setting up an example of interacting with the Arduino board troughout Processing we saw some examples of Arduino prototypes and installations (Virtual Fishtank, Virtual Sumo, Punching Bag) implemented with Ardunio.

As there is no binary package for Linux I had to compile the sources myself. In this document I discribe the installation process on a Ubuntu 5.10 AMD64 and in this document on Ubuntu 6.10

Installing Arduino on Ubuntu 5.10 AMD64

Wednesday, December 7th, 2005

Thanx to the people from Arduino to offer a Linux version. As there is no binary packet for any distro till now you have to compile the software by yourself. This forum thread and this article discribe the steps to get Arduino up and running on Linux but actually I noticed some differences on my machine. I’m running the AMD 64bit edition of Ubuntu 5.10 “Breezy Badger”.
