Posts Tagged ‘openlayers’

Bringing a map online with QGIS server and OpenLayers

Tuesday, September 5th, 2017

QGIS server is a stable and easy to use alternative to geoserver. In this short tutorial you learn how to show your QGIS Desktop project as a online map using QGIS server and OpenLayers. (more…)

Running a map server with Mapnik and TileStache on Ubuntu 16.04

Saturday, July 8th, 2017

This guide shows the setup of a simple map server with Mapnik 3 and TileStache 1.51.6 using Apache2 on Ubuntu 16.04 Desktop.

Mapnik is a powerful tool for generating maps from geographic data, TileStache a simple vetor and raster tile server for geographic data. (more…)

Barcelona urban history in 26 interactive maps

Monday, July 4th, 2016

The Historic Charter of Barcelona is a tool to explain the history of the city through the cartographies that describe it. It contains 26 maps that have been drawn from texts, historical cartographies, archaeological maps, modern cartography and contemporary digital maps. A committee of historians specialized in the various historical eras have cross-checked and corrected the documents under the direction of the Barcelona City History Museum (MUHBA).


The project was done by 300.000 km/s, my part was the configuration of the mapping server and the programming of the web front end. The backend consists of Mapnik rendering map tiles which get served by TileStache. On the frontend we are running OpenLayers using raster tiles but also geojson layers. (more…)

OpenStreetMap con Openlayers

Tuesday, May 18th, 2010

osmOpenStreetMap es cada vez más una potencial alternativa a Google Maps, sobre todo en proyectos que dan importancia al uso de licencias libres. En seguida mostraré el uso de OpenStreetMap en páginas estáticas, más adelante lo presentaré posibilidades de usarlo con WordPress y Drupal.

Openlayers es la forma más sencilla de incrustar mapas de OSM en una web estática cualquiera. Aquí mostraré una forma rápida y sencilla de enlazarlo con una API de locación geográfica.