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CONNECTing artistas y software libre

Sunday, June 15th, 2008

De nuevo en Gijón para dar junto con Santi de telenoika el Taller CONNECT: Ports, pipes and sockets que tiene lugar en LABoral Centro de Arte y Creación Industrial del 16 al 20 de Junio. Se trata de relacionar programas, hardware y redes usando protocolos como Open Sound Control y MIDI para conectar sensores, audio, vídeo, internet, etc. Los apuntes del taller están en este wiki ya que el taller esta organizado por Hangar.

SVG with Processing for mapping data

Monday, March 24th, 2008

casastristes.orgFor we are making different visualizations of the housing situation in Spain. Also Java is a pain in the ass on the web, in two of them we are using Processing comparing new inhabitants with newly constructed houses and free real estates per provinces. In the following article I show the advantages of using SVG graphics when mapping information.


Processing with Eclipse

Thursday, May 31st, 2007

Finally I’m back doing a Processing project and decided to do it with Eclipse to have features like code completion and code templates of this professional IDE. After reading this forum post and this blog posts it was really an easy job to get started. Here are the steps I did:


Taller de Processing en el centro cívico Golferichs

Wednesday, October 11th, 2006

Dentro del programa BCN BONA NIT TARDOR doy un taller introductorio a Processing en el centro cívico Golferichs:
Processing és un sisitema de programació de codi obert per a gent que vol fer coses amb imatges, animacions i sons. És capaç de llegir dades capturades per sensors, d’importar i exportar arxius en 2D i 3D i de comunicar-se amb altres programes a través de diversos protocols.
S’ha creat per a ensenyar els fonaments de la computació dins d’un entorn visual i amigable.
Està adreçat a estudiants, dissenyadors, artistes, arquitectes i gent curiosa que vulgui aprendre a utilitzar les noves tecologies d’una manera creativa.

Tutorial de Processing para Mentes Macromedia en Castellano

Saturday, June 10th, 2006

Junto con Ángela Precht hemos traducido el clásico Processing Tutorial for Macromedia Minds de Josh Nimoy al castellano. Tal y como su nombre indica, si vienes de entornos como Flash o Director es una buena forma para hacerte con la herramienta. Dado que es un tutorial de iniciación, es una buena lectura para los que quieran dar el salto: Tutorial de Processing para Mentes Macromedia (y la copia de respaldo en mi servidor).

EXTEND workshop at Hangar

Friday, May 12th, 2006

This week I participated in an advanced Processing workshop called EXTEND at Hangar in Barcelona. The initiators of Processing Casey Reas and Ben Fry and two cracks from the spreading Processing scene Zachary Lieberman and Marius Watz gave us advanced Processing lectures and helped us on creating our own projects. Thanks to Marius for blogging the highlights of the workshop on his Code & form blog. The workshop is part of OFFF 2006 Festival taking place in Barcelona this week and out workshop results will be shown on Saturday May 13th from 7 to 10 pm as part of ROOTS.

I made some tests on graph visualization.